Let’s Talk About Godly Women

Title: Let’s Talk About Godly Women
Artwork by: 
YMI X @nelsonlip_
Description: We’ve all heard of the Proverbs 31 woman: She’s this competent all-rounder with a long list of accomplishments—someone who has it all. 

Perhaps most of us feel intimidated when we read the passage, but Proverbs 31 isn’t written to incite guilt or to make us live up to an impossible standard, but is an invitation to live our lives in the fear of the Lord (v. 30) and in obedience to Him. It’s a picture of what it looks like when we steward and nurture the different strengths, talents, and abilities God has given us as we grow into Christ-likeness. 

This International Women’s Day, let’s celebrate the different images of Christ-likeness that Proverbs 31 gives us a glimpse into—and spur one another on to be women who fear the Lord and desire to please Him with our lives. 


P.S: Tag a friend that exudes the virtues of a Proverbs 31 woman and who inspires you!



Image of woman's face with text Let's Talk About Godly Women


Lady on a boat down a river with birds flying over her She's strong and capable


Whether it’s looking after her family, powering it at important business meetings, or studying to complete her University degree, she finds satisfaction in the tasks set out before her (v13). She looks after her family, colleagues and her friends, and they feel safe and secure in her care.  

Her careful planning of her time and her finances means she’s prepared for the future. But above all, her security comes from God, as she trusts in His providence.



Woman embracing 3 children She's deeply compassionate

Life demands a lot out of this busy woman, but she still finds time in her busy schedule to look out for those around her, even in the smallest of ways.

It could be praying for friends in need, donating to a charity organisation, helping a sick or elderly neighbour with their groceries, or it could simply be checking in on an acquaintance who is going through a rough patch.



Woman sitting down playing the guitar and singing in a flower field She's wise and faithful

She’s wise with her words and she’s wise with her time. Her wisdom gleaned from years lived through trials and tribulations make her a role model for younger women, teaching and advising them through their stage in life. 

This wise woman also knows there’s wisdom in having fun. She ensures her leisure time is wisely-spent, and knows when to call it quits when scrolling social media to watching another episode on Netflix is becoming a bit too much, so she can turn her attention to other tasks.



Woman holding a lantern She's God fearing

Above all, she finds her strength, security and identity comes from the Lord, and not in her meticulous household, her earning power, or her grades. God is at the heart of everything she does, and she listens and obeys Him, finding her worth and beauty in her Father who loves her with an everlasting love.



Woman being crowned She lives to honour God

She knows to Whom she is truly accountable for for the life she leads. It has very little to do with being THE perfect wife, mother, girlfriend, daughter, or out-do and out-compete her fellow friends. But it’s about standing before God and to hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23), for having run her course, whatever it may be, faithfully. And it’s from God that she receives her honour and her crown.


Proverbs 31 The Wife of Noble Character

Proverbs 31:17-24

Proverbs 31:25-31


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