Entries by Michele Ong

4 Tips to Survive A Second Lockdown

I tried to count my blessings. I still have my job, my friends and family, and a roof over my head. But yet other emotions such as anger, sadness, and disappointment, pushed in at me. Anger that my brief taste of freedom has been taken away, sadness at not knowing when I’ll be able to see my family in New Zealand again, and disappointment at having plans cancelled yet again. 

To My Pre-Covid-19 Self, From 2020 Me

Ooh, I’d put that fancy 2020 diary down if I were you. I know, I know, you’re tremendously excited at the thought of the start of a new decade, and to be fair, things are looking quite rosy in December. 

But in just a couple of months, life, as you’ve grown accustomed to, will be pulled from under your feet. I’m sorry, it is as bleak as it sounds. 

Covid-19: Calm Your Farm and Carry on With Life

Things got very serious when WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic just over a week ago, coupled with countries going into lockdowns with tighter security measures in place, and a second wave of panic set in. The fear of a lockdown, with shops and schools closed, are sending people to the supermarkets to clear shelves out of long-life foods such as pasta, canned tunas, flour—to name a few.