
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Culture. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Culture.

three girls are joining online church

5 Ways The Church Is Changing and How We Can Adapt

Two years into the global pandemic, it has become clear that the church will not be returning to what it once was—a gathering primarily based in a physical location. “That church” has “left the building”.
A girl is writing her plan for 2022 in a daily

6 Simple Commitments to Make in 2022

New Year’s resolutions. Some people make them, some people don’t. A few of us keep them, many of us break them by the end of the first week of January. Ah, such is life. Or is it?
Illustration of laptop and bait

I’m a Woman and I’m Addicted to Porn

It took a long time before I recognised my addiction for what it was, and even longer before I could consider myself an addict. I thought I was just someone who liked to read a lot.
A man is going to the beach

3 Myths About Freedom

We think that if we have just enough power, assert enough of our rights, and clarify our wants, freedom will come.  But in reality, being free to do whatever we like, whenever we like, rarely makes us feel truly free.
Image of lady with face erased

Living with Cancel Culture as a Christian

For some years now, being on social media has turned me into a just-keep-it-to-myself kind of Christian. I’ve been avoiding talking about things like Christ-centred identity and Biblical marriage because I don’t want risk being labelled.
4 Dos in Tackling Un-Christian Media

4 Dos in Tackling "Un-Christian" Media

We are called to stand up for Jesus’s name, and we most certainly should. But if we choose to do so without knowing who or what we’re challenging, we’ve lost the battle before it even begins. So how do we as Christians deal when faced with un-Christian media? Here are four do’s to get us started.
image of urns and flowers

How Should Christians View Qing Ming?

After becoming a Christian, I began questioning the rituals performed during Qing Ming, and whether I should participate in these rituals with my family. As I began thinking more about how Christians can participate in Chinese festivals such as Qing Ming, these are the questions that I’ve been reflecting on, and continue to reflect on today.

Feeling Overwhelmed by Information?

At first his opinion sounded okay, especially given the fact that he was proclaimed an expert. But the more I listened, the more I felt a check in my spirit. Something didn’t sit quite right with me.

To My Little Girl on International Women's Day

Today, men and women are elevating the heroic achievements of women, and others are bringing attention to the debate on gender roles and equality. Some will say we’ve made progress, and they will be right. Others will focus on how far we have yet to go, and they will be right too.