God’s will

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under God’s will. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: God’s will.


ODJ: God's garden

Last spring I planted a herb garden, even though I don’t have a ‘green thumb’. In fact I only sporadically watered the plants when their environment reached desertlike conditions. But, fortunately, I was able to enjoy cooking with the fresh produce of my work throughout the summer. A year later, though, I looked out at my garden and realised that my garden—like my life—was in a different

ODJ: sheltered

The red and white “For Sale” sign in our garden boldly proclaims that our lives are in transition. Stepping out by faith, my husband and I are selling our home and leaving his current position of ministry to move to a community about 30 miles away. Confident that God is able, I still find myself trying to get my bearings as we wait on the unknown. I daily live between two places: at peace with

ODJ: let go

I spent the summer of 1992 tumbling, somersaulting and crashing over the waters of a nearby lake. To avoid a grand impression, I was simply trying to learn how to water-ski. The painful endeavor revealed the deep level of determination I carry within me. One of my greatest errors lay in my refusal to let go of the rope and admit defeat when I had fallen. It was not a pretty sight.
 Twenty years