
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Obedience. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Obedience.


Does Planning Show A Lack of Faith?

Should I have simply trusted that God would provide for me, and moved cities without working to plan ahead? Did my planning reveal an immature faith that doubted God’s provision? I was not sure how to strike a balance between trusting God while doing my part.

When You Don't Hear From God

There wasn’t a clear, booming, “Yes, go ahead with this plan”, or “Yes, this is the will I have for you” from God when I packed my bags and said goodbye to family and friends for a job overseas.

When Reality Doesn't Match Up With Your Dreams

“MORE!!!” Through the tiny slit of the curtain, the baying fans coalesced into one voice commanding that we come back on stage. It was a frenzy.

It’s Not All About Us, Ladies

I recently found myself grumpy and tired after a day of taking care of sick kids, cleaning the house, and doing laundry.

Hannah Yeoh: Becoming Malaysia’s First Woman Speaker

Despite being the minority as a Christian Chinese female in Malaysia, Hannah Yeoh became the country’s first female speaker in a state parliament—and its youngest—at the age of 34 in 2013.

It Starts with Believing God is Good

We all have probably said “Thank God” or “God is good” many times in our lives. But do our choices and way of living truly reflect what we say? It wasn’t always the case for me.

Are We Just Having Coffee Dates with God?

Sometimes, after a good, long time of Bible study, I go right into sinning. When I am alone at home, those sins that prey on solitude can easily sneak in. For me, it is often lust. And sometimes I don’t stop it.

What Missing “My Calling” Taught Me

She had lost the baby. When I heard that she was expecting, I was ecstatic. I couldn’t believe that this woman—whom God had revealed to me a few months prior that she would conceive this year—was already pregnant!

ODJ: hard questions

One Saturday afternoon, a group of teenagers gathered in a cafeteria to ask one another some hard questions based on Philippians 2:3-4. Some of the difficult queries included: On a scale of 1 to 10, how selfish are you? How often do you take an interest in others too? Would someone describe you as humble or proud? Why? As I sat and listened intently, it was encouraging to hear group memb