Turning Away From My Bisexual Desires

Illustration by Emilia Ting

Written By H.Y, Singapore

The first time I had feelings for someone, I was only 14. I remember her being a little older than I was. She wasn’t particularly pretty, but she was tanned, had very cute dimples when she smiled, and was good at sports.

But there was one problem: I am a girl too.

It was only years later that I realized I was attracted to both genders—I have had crushes on guys as well. But somehow, the attraction towards females always felt more prominent. Naturally, I struggled to come to terms with what I was feeling. I was confused and couldn’t make sense of it. I mean, all my other female friends were talking about the boys they had crushes on—why was I different?

In the beginning, I tried to convince myself that what I felt was admiration, not romantic feelings. After all, she was cooler than I was and I probably wanted to be like her. I was in self-denial and refused to acknowledge the fact that I had feelings for her.

However, as time went by, I realized that I would find opportunities to see her more frequently or speak to her. I found myself walking past her classroom for no good reason at all or pushing my group of friends to sit closer to her group of friends at break time.

At the time, the feelings were foreign to me. I felt alone in my journey, as I didn’t have any friends who struggled with the same thing. Also, the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) movement hadn’t caught on then, and not many people had “come out of the closet”. I was (and still am) very apprehensive about sharing my feelings—till today, my parents do not know that I experience both opposite-sex attraction (OSA) and same-sex attraction (SSA).

However, in the midst of my confusion, there was one thing I was certain about—what the Bible says about homosexuality. I grew up in a Christian family and went through Sunday School and Youth Group. My church pastors did not mince their words on what the Bible constituted as “ungodly”. Although I don’t recall a particular sermon or Bible class study on this topic, I knew for a fact that homosexuality was not what God had intended for mankind.

Leviticus 18:22 clearly states: “Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.” Throughout the Bible, it is clear that God created male and female for marriage and destined for sexual relations to happen in the context of marriage (Mark 10:6-9).

We are instead told to “flee from sexual immorality” and honor God with our bodies, which are the temples of God (1 Corinthians 6:17-20). Hence, I know that it is against His will and design for me to act on my same-sex desires.

In the beginning, I was confused and questioned why God thought it was wrong. Why did He create me to experience attraction to both genders if it was wrong? Why didn’t He make me normal?

I will turn 20 this year and I still struggle with my feelings. I cannot say that I am out of the woods yet. In fact, I’m far from it: There is not a single day when I am not reminded that I still experience both OSA and SSA.

Attractive people are all around, whether pretty girls or cute guys. They still catch my eye and I am still tempted to indulge in my own fantasies of what it would be like to get together with them.

I’m still an imperfect work-in-progress and I definitely do not know everything about this topic. Nevertheless, after reading many Christian articles on it and reflecting on my own journey, here are three reminders I’ve found to be helpful when I’m struggling:


1. Anchor my identity in Christ

I must admit that the growing acceptance towards LGBT individuals in our society and increasing calls for them to embrace their “real identities” is very tempting. However, as a Christian, I remember that I’m first and foremost a follower of Christ, not a follower of men or myself.

Once we get our identity right, everything falls into place. Since I’ve embraced my true identity as a child of God and not a bisexual, I’m no longer easily swayed by how I feel. Jesus came to die for my sins to make me His and give me new life. My new-found identity in Christ can now take precedence over my feelings. Hence, I have never really felt the need or the urgency to “come out”.

Being conscious of my identity in Him also reminds me that I now have the power to resist sin. Although I admit that it is difficult to do so, I have the ability to choose to behave like His child, and not pander to my own desires.


2. Acknowledge that I am unable to resist temptation through my own efforts

Of course, I need to take active and intentional steps to prevent myself from falling into sin. For me, this involves not meeting someone I find myself developing feelings for exclusively, and unfollowing certain attractive influencers on Instagram.

However, such methods are never enough. Thankfully, we have a lifeline: God. When we cry out to God in prayer, He hears us. Matthew 26:41 tells us to be watchful and prayerful so that we don’t fall into temptation.

Jesus reminds us that although “the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak.” Because we are human, sin is so natural for us that we need supernatural strength to turn away from it. And this strength can be found in Christ.

When I’m tempted, I’ve learned to pray and commit my sinful desires to God. I cry out to God and ask Him to grant me His strength to obey Him. Sometimes, I’ll take time to be still and say a silent prayer of repentance and a request of willpower to resist the temptation.


3. He is pleased when I obey

Of course, it is very difficult to turn away from what seems to be the most natural thing to do. But I don’t resist sin simply because the Bible says it’s wrong. It’s also because I know that my Father is pleased when I obey Him.

In fact, God delights in our obedience more than He delights in our sacrifices and acts of service (1 Samuel 15:22). Our obedience is an act of worship and is evidence of our love for Him (1 John 5:3). This motivates me to obey Him.

Like many Christians struggling with bisexuality, I wish God would take these feelings away altogether. That would make my life much easier. I would not have to struggle to turn away from temptation.

However, I believe that I will be truly restored only when I meet Him in Heaven and sin is removed from me. For now, God gives His children the power to resist temptations and achieve victory over our sins (1 Corinthians 10:13). Sin is no longer our master (Romans 6:14) and we can choose to no longer be slaves to sin (Romans 6:6). We can choose Jesus over sin.

One day, I will finally hear my Abba Father say: “Well done, my good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21). I look forward to that day, when my earthly sacrifices will finally be all worth it.

10 replies
  1. Tinuke Oyegoke
    Tinuke Oyegoke says:

    So much running through my mind as I read this. I just wish she would wake up tomorrow morning and the desires she has for the same sex will disappear. She’s willing, she’s obedient isn’t that enough for her struggle to end? There’s so much we won’t understand but trust God to do what’s best. It’s her story and I believe she’s still being refined and will share her story of total freedom.

    One thing I like is that she has accepted that it’s sin before God. It has always been my belief that this is where the real fight with the world is- giving people the impression that there’s nothing wrong. When people don’t see anything wrong in what they are doing , how will they seek for help? ‘If we say we have no sin deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us, but if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive’. God help us.

  2. natalie
    natalie says:

    Thank you for your sharing ! I had been through the same situation as well, and the three reminder you just mention are exactly what I experienced useful. I always reminded to not follow my own feeling but follow only God’s holy word, because sometimes my feeling can lead me to destruction but God’s word always lead me to salvation. God bless you.

  3. Cara E
    Cara E says:

    I have one friend who experienced the same situation. He looks so normal for me until one day we’re dating and he confess that he is bisex.last week he said he’s too tired to fight his feeling, He keep saying that God hate him. And i dont know what to do. i’ve tried so many ways, i ask him to read some article like this. I ask him to fight together, i ask him to pray together but he said that he’s been waiting for too long and decided to give up.

  4. Young Anthropologist
    Young Anthropologist says:

    The truth is, that feeling can never be stop. Because the desire to love other is from God himself. There’s no such thing as “not normal” in the term of love. The Bible says that nobody is designed to have same-sex sexual relationship. And just like what every Christian has been taught, God wants us to avoid any lustful fantasy. So it’s not a matter of what is right or wrong, normal or not normal, in the term of love. It’s fine whoever we put our feelings for whether it’s OSA or SSA, because love is love. Humans are born with it. It becomes wrong when we’re focusing our life only for that thing, fantasizing, having sexual desire, and not live the life God has given us effectively to make the world better.

  5. ojppghupGHBNIO{
    ojppghupGHBNIO{ says:

    Hey, I too have some of those feelings sometimes, actually, everyone does. people get really curious sometimes. The only bad thing you have done is that you fell into a trap! These feelings start when you first think about it. After one “bi-sexual” thought all you have to do is just don’t think about it anymore. And just go on with life. if you keep thinking about it, you’re going to get more worried and if you get worried, you’re most likely going to think about it every day. Don’t worry, I’ve been in that situation too! I fell into that trap and started worrying. I often get nervous, anxious, and paranoid all the time but that’s a different story. I being a really religious christian as well got really nervous for my future ahead of me. I suggest not coming out and sharing to the world that you are not bi. But if you want to, go ahead! i suggest meditating and praying to Jesus Christ, our savior, messiah, and hero. Look at the bright side of this situation! Learn new things and “grow out” of it by knowing that this is not what you want. (this might be false but im just sharing my thoughts!)

  6. Ignatius
    Ignatius says:

    These are the most inspiring words I’ve ever heard to spore me in my own struggle with the same feelings she experiences… I have the same hope too on my earthly journey to eternity… These give me more hope, and strengthens my love n desire for service to God… May God continue to help us through Christ Jesus our Savior. Amen

  7. Fallen Saint
    Fallen Saint says:

    I know this post is from a few years ago, so I’m not sure if my comments will be read by the original author. Either way, this is the first post I have read that has given me hope!

    I am a 46 yr old Christian man, married for 24 years and have had attraction to other men most of my life. I hate it, my wife is unaware and I sometimes feel like I live a double life, at least sexually. I am not as fortunate to say I’ve never given in, as I have had a few sexual encounters with men over the years. It’s always in secret and most were other married men struggling with bisexuality or a broken sexual relationship with their wives. I repent, ask God to take this away, and then have become bitter toward God for not answering. I know that isn’t really true, but it’s how I feel anyway.

    From your writing, I have realized that I was holding onto my identity as a bisexual over my identity in God. I will seek to change my tune. Thanks!


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