The Justice-Maker

The Justice-Maker

Read: Isaiah 11:1-10
He will give justice to the poor (Isaiah 11:4).

Recently, several books have helped me grapple with systemic injustices woven into many social systems. One book cataloged how our criminal justice system can often be stacked against those at the margins. Another shared how the working poor have often been neglected and abused while those in power have profited from their misfortune. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when we wade into this disturbing information. And these are only two urgent issues. What are we to do? How are we to make things right?

As we read the prophet Isaiah, we find that God—in Jesus—works against such evils. God protects the innocent and provides justice for those who have none. Isaiah promised that out “of the stump of David’s family will grow a shoot—yes, a new Branch bearing fruit from the old root” (Isaiah 11:1) This new Branch, Jesus, is the one who “will give justice to the poor” and “make fair decisions for the exploited” (Isaiah 11:4). This new Justice-Maker will “not judge by appearance” or “make a decision based on hearsay” as the powers of this world often do (Isaiah 11:3).

Even more, when Jesus has finished His justice-making work, “the wolf and the lamb will live together; the leopard will lie down with the baby goat” (Isaiah 11:6). When Jesus returns, there will be no more injustice. No longer will this world be divided between those in power and those who are oppressed. When Jesus makes the world just, we’ll see “a banner of salvation to all the world” (Isaiah 11:10). Everyone will be treated fairly; no one will be subjugated to another.

Justice isn’t merely a political issue or a slogan. Justice is what God makes in the world as we join Him in His work.

Taken from “Our Daily Journey”