Bible Verses

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Bible Verses. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Bible Verses.

Typography: Psalm 107:9

Ah, the deep longings of our soul. Maybe it's for a romantic…

Typography: Hebrews 13:5 6-2021

We might see having lots of money as a security blanket against…

Typography: Psalm 16:11 6-2021

Imagine if we had an internal GPS built inside us that'll reroute…

Typography: Psalm 63:1

We may seek and thirst after earthly gains, such as a job promotion,…

Typography: John 16:13 5-2021

I found that acting to fill the needs around me sometimes caused…

Typography: Jeremiah 33:3 5-2021

Prayer is very important for communing with God. Even if we don’t…

Typography: Psalm 39:7

The heartbreaking events of this world reminds us that hope is…

Typography: John 14:6 5-2021

But if we claim Christ, we know truth—the one and only truth.…

Typography: Psalm 16:11 5-2021

His gospel changes not just one small aspect of our lives, but…