Featured Devotionals

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ODJ: not mine

My husband and I believe that the most influential people in a child’s life are his or her parents. But we wonder at times if our parenting decisions are having the impact we hoped for. Now that our kids are adolescents, friendships no longer consist of playing with toys and learning to share. Likewise, because they’re not always within sight, our kids have more experiences on their own than w

ODJ: reverent fear 

The ocean was churning. Massive waves were causing the huge vessel to lean from side to side. As I stood and looked out through a window, I was amazed at the power and fury of the storm. The beating of the raindrops on the metal deck matched the rapid beating of my heart as the ship was buffeted by fierce elements.

Being out on the ocean during a powerful storm provides a crash cours

ODJ: who sinned?

God has told me why your skin cancer hasn’t been healed,” the woman said to my friend. Really? he thought. Having suffered through two failed operations to remove the cancer from his face, my friend was desperate for a reason why. “God has told me it’s one of three things,” she continued. One of three? my friend thought. Even God doesn’t know for sure? “It

ODJ: hurt people hurt people

I was babysitting two 5 year old boys while their mothers went shopping. They were having a fun time playing together until one of the children threw a ball that accidentally struck the other on the nose.

The boy who was hurt scolded his friend and said, “You can never come over to my house again!” “Is it true,” I asked, “that you never want your friend to come over again?

ODJ: adventures

At the beginning of the classic book The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins was enjoying a comfortable and predictable life in his home in the Shire—until the mysterious Gandalf dropped in for a surprise visit. Gandalf turned to Bilbo and said, “I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and it’s very difficult to find anyone.” Bilbo replied, “I should think so—

ODJ: sleepless nights

Sleep. It’s one of the most underrated pleasures in life.There’s nothing like a good night’s rest or napping on a rainy day. My bed feels like a refuge—a small sanctuary from the cares of life. 

On some nights, however, sleep is hard to find. In the dark stillness, cares and concerns of all kinds can leave us tossing and turning. 

The Bible contains tw

ODJ: craving cashmere

While I was helping to organise donations of clothing for a church event, I paused to touch a cashmere sweater’s soft grey cloth. When I realised it would fit me, I considered the possibility of owning it—for free! Volunteers were allowed first pick of the donations. Cashmere is an expensive fabric, and although I have enough sweaters, this one was calling my name. After some inner turmoil, I

ODJ: coffee house

A pastor wanted to break his church out of their formal traditions and nudge them in a fresh direction. He sensed that the congregation’s formality was discouraging the local community from walking through the church’s doors. So he began to take small steps to help them change. 

One Sunday morning he replaced the lectern with a small, café-style table. Cup of coffee in hand, he

ODJ: one diverse family

A question I often hear (and also ask myself) regarding diversity is this: “God calls us to reach out to those who are different from us, but how far are we supposed to go?” Is it enough to serve and minister to people who are different, or are we called to do more?

Acts 2 is a wonderful guide for us. It seems on the surface that there are two separate and distinct accounts in th