Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under FEATURES. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: FEATURES.

When Nothing Makes Sense

Written By Leslie Koh After spending a number of years in the…
Marie Toh

5 Minutes with the Illustrator: Marie Toh

"To view the wordless story Marie illustrated - Out of the Box…

"Everyone has the right to love and be loved." [Part 2]

What is the biblical way to look at human relationships? Listen…

"Everyone has the right to love and be loved." [Part 1]

Is there a biblical way to look at rights? Listen to what…

Is It Better to be Married or to Stay Single?

Written By Chia Poh Fang Poh Fang never dreamed of being in…

Jonathan Kiew: From Youth-at-risk to Youth Worker

For someone who has come close to the brink of death five times, you would think he has gotten life all figured out. But 28-year-old Jonathan Kiew is quick to admit that despite the multiple health ailments and close shaves he has experienced, he still gets distracted, makes the same mistakes, and needs crises every so often to prod him back to the right path.

Show others something of Jesus

We love to talk about love. Let's recall His love as we relate…

Why Are We So Obsessed With “New”?

Written By Joel Tan Joel is a youth worker currently working…

The Man Behind “David and Goliath” Comic

Meet Lego enthusiast Gene, the man behind the David and Goliath comic book characters and setting pieces. Read how his passion for building Lego started.