Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under FEATURES. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: FEATURES.

When Church Doesn't Meet Your Expectations

As a pastor, I’m used to hearing from people that they feel disconnected from their (or our) church, even if they are deeply involved. Their experience simply hasn’t measured up to what they had hoped it might be. If you feel disconnected from your church, you’re not alone.

Peter and Day Day: When God Took Our 5-Year-Old Daughter Away

What is a parent’s greatest comfort in the face of sudden and devastating loss? For Naw Day Day and her husband, Peter Wong, this was the very question they found themselves grappling with back in January, when tragedy struck out of the blue, robbing them of their beloved 5-year-old daughter, Louise.

How Easter Speaks Into Covid-19

At Easter time, I love to stop and think more deeply about Jesus’ defeat of death. I’m reminded to thank God for the hope we have of new life. And I’m reminded that this resurrection hope speaks into all areas of my life. But this Easter, the resurrection of Jesus also has something important to say as we think about COVID-19.

Jessica Tanoesoedibjo: Why I Donate My Birthdays Away

As the daughter of an Indonesian billionaire, Jessica Tanoesoedibjo, 25, could have spent her time and money on throwing lavish parties or jet-setting around the world to enjoy herself. Instead, she uses her birthday to raise funds for social causes such as anti-slavery, clean water, and disaster relief.

What Happens When We Forget to Pray

The day of the interview arrived, but I woke up late and forgot to pray. The thought occurred to me . . . God may not bless my interview because I forgot to spend time with Him in the morning.
YMI Editor's Picks - Best of 2019

Editor’s Picks: The Best of 2019

This year, we set out to explore Jesus' command in Luke 10:27 to love God with everything that we have. We published over 225 articles, produced 24 artspace projects, and 3 videos across 4 themes and a range of topics. Here are the articles, artspace projects, and videos that captured your attention the most.
Ready to Unwrap YMI's highlights for 2019?

YMI’s 2019 Highlights

Ready to unwrap 2019's highlights? Join us as we take a look at some of the best moments.

From Instagram to Real Life: We Are All Influencers

I first realized the extent of my influence from an Amazon book listing. I’d discovered a book I thought would be helpful to the readers of my website and followers on social media. It was a great book, and seemed relevant to their needs.

Editor’s Picks: Best of "Why Do I Do?"

Take a journey with us as we reflect back on the last three months of 2019, and how we can love God with all that we do, big and small.