
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under World. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: World.

Teaching Autistic Kids: When God Did the Unthinkable

It was Christmas, and we were performing a series of songs at the church café. When we finished, the crowd—an unusual mix of eager parents, curious pastors, and casual café-goers—erupted in applause. For the first time, we had successfully put up an item in a public space without any of our kids having a meltdown. But more than simply feeling relieved, I was also deeply moved because this was the first time our children publicly declared the hope of the gospel.

To My Little Girl on International Women's Day

Today, men and women are elevating the heroic achievements of women, and others are bringing attention to the debate on gender roles and equality. Some will say we’ve made progress, and they will be right. Others will focus on how far we have yet to go, and they will be right too.

5 Sustainable Switches to Consider in 2020

In the past year, I’ve come to a new resolution that has been shaping the end of my 2019 and that I hope will shape my 2020: I want to reduce the amount of waste I produce.
7 Questions to Start the Year Right

7 Questions to Start the Year Right

Like the seven Old Testament feasts God put in place, holidays can be a selah of sorts. So maybe you still have a day or two of holiday time left. If so, I hope these prompts (designed for “prinking” over—that’s praying and thinking) can help breathe some fresh air into your soul for the next year.

5 Ways to Prepare Your Heart This Season

I can’t believe that the holiday season is already upon us. It felt like just a few short months ago that l pulled down the mistletoe, swept up the last remaining pine needles, and boxed up my Christmas decorations.

Surviving Sexual Assault: How I'm Learning to Forgive My Abuser

The assaults left no physical scars. My rage and bitterness felt like the only tangible signs I had to demonstrate that something terrible had happened to me. If I just forgave her, was I telling everyone that the injustice didn’t matter?
Two girls enjoying an ice cream sundae

To the Friend I Tried to Evangelize

“Evangelize.” It even sounds like a dirty word, doesn’t it? An act of pushing one’s religion on another. . . a prideful way to tell someone they’ve got it totally wrong. That their worldview is wrong. That their beliefs are wrong. That they’ve got everything wrong, and I’ve got it right.
Abstract man's heart lighting up the desert

If God Is Real, Why Doesn't He End Our Suffering?

“If God really is who they say He is—all-loving, all-powerful, and all-good—He would end the suffering. Therefore, because there is suffering there can be no God.” So says the age-old critique. Many of us let words like this wash over us without thinking critically about them.
Woman sitting reading the bible

Dear Doubting Christian, God Is Not Afraid of Your Questions

I am filled with grief when I see how Christians treat doubt and doubters. For whatever my words are worth, I want to offer a profound apology for any time you’ve been written off easily by Christians in your circle—maybe even made to feel as though you’re “not really one of us” because you struggle to believe what others claim comes so naturally to them.