
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under World. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: World.

What It's Like to Spend Christmas Alone

My earliest memories of Christmas were a mixture of joy and sadness. I grew up  in Melbourne, Australia, where celebrating Christmas meant wearing bathing suits, eating barbeque shrimp and steak, spending the day around the backyard pool, and of course, the excitement of opening presents!

Why Did Jesus Have to Come As A Human?

Jesus is easily the most influential person to have ever lived. He is also, possibly, the most enigmatic figure in human history. Talk to anyone and you will find that the vast majority actually do have something to say about Jesus, with a sizeable number choosing to believe the sensational (or the stereotypical) and not necessarily the truth.
Woman pointing up into the sky

Why Do We Even Need A Savior?

The movie The Martian—starring Matt Damon—tells the story of fictional astronaut Mike Watney. Watney finds himself stranded on Mars after an emergency evacuation of his space station. The story follows his incredible ingenuity, innovation, and resilience, in fighting for survival.

I Was Wrong About Giving Tuesday

As someone who works closely with several non-profit organizations, I am distinctly aware of Giving Tuesday. In the United States, this Giving Tuesday "holiday" comes from an honorable desire to help non-profits continue their good work.

4 Ways To Celebrate Reformation Day

While October 31 is more popularly known as Halloween, the date also holds a special place in the heart of many Christians. On this day 501 years ago, a German monk named Martin Luther published a list of grievances against the Catholic Church. He nailed this list—which later came to be called the 95 Theses—to the door of the chapel at the University of Wittenberg, and this ignited a movement.
Man with his arms wide open on top of a mountain

What Does It Mean To Be An Ordinary Radical Christian?

I heard the gospel at 16. Before that, I was an angry, depressed youth filled with hatred. I hated myself, hated my parents, hated my life, hated school, hated authorities, hated adults, and hated Christians. Above all I hated God with all my heart, since I thought He had abandoned me my whole life.

Would Jesus Like Your Post On Social Media?

If God were on social media, would He like your post? I used to take to Instagram daily. I would post a picture with a caption telling my followers what I felt at the moment. I would post sad reflections, happy anecdotes, and even angry rants. It was my way of expressing myself and dealing with boredom and loneliness. I could “talk” to my followers without actually engaging in a conversation or meeting up with anyone.

Why I Reach Out To Prostitutes and the Marginalized

I was trained as a social worker and worked for seven years in a government agency. I loved that my job entailed advocating for change at a systemic level and thrived at work. It also enabled me to live out my faith intentionally, which shaped the ways I interacted and worked with those around me.

3 Things I Learned From the Homeless

“Keep an eye out for watermelon boxes. They’re the thickest ones out there,” Fridge instructed as we headed for that night’s cardboard run. It was only my second night sleeping on the streets, but I already knew exactly what Fridge—one of our guides for the weekend who has spent many years homeless—was talking about.