Physical Health

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Physical Health. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Physical Health.

Beers being raised - struggling with alcohol

My Struggle With Alcohol: The Spirit That Never Satisfies

I used to drink a lot. Once, I had one too many that I stumbled about the streets and passed out outside a shopping mall in the wee hours. Some kind strangers woke me up and asked if I needed to be sent to the hospital.
Girl sitting alone contemplating

Why Pneumonia Was What I Needed

I used to be a very ambitious person. In college, I enjoyed life and worked hard to get what I wanted—especially when it came to grades. I wanted to be the top student so that others would look up to me. This came at the expense of everything else: God, family, and friends.
Woman with her hands up to her face

The Day I Couldn’t Feel My Face

Sometime after Christmas last year, my face froze. Literally. I couldn’t control my facial muscle movement. I lost the ability to blink and frown. Smiling became impossible as well.
coffee cup in hands

5 Ways to Get Real Rest

God created work, and it was meant to be good. But we often get so caught up with what we are doing that we race from one task to the next, forgetting how God had also instituted rest (Genesis 2:2-3).
Woman blowing her nose into a tissue - blessed to be sick

When I was Blessed to be Sick

Recently, I was blessed to be down for a few days with a bad flu, sore throat, and fever. Yes, you read it right. I was blessed and I thank God to have been down for those few days.
Pills in a hand, responding to illness

How Should We Respond to Illness?

As a medical social worker, I provide support to people who have suffered the loss of physical ability, mental capacity, or both. In my course of work, I’ve come across many patients and family members who face difficult circumstances because of their illnesses.
Girl in a lake healing from within

The Importance of Healing from Within

If an athlete is injured during training or competition, he will need time to recuperate in order to regain his form. Depending on the severity of the injury, the recovery process may involve applying an ice pack to the affected area, treating it—which may include cleaning the wound and stitching it up—or simply, resting.