Battling Sin

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Battling Sin. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Battling Sin.

1 John 1:9 - Confess your sin and you will be free

I Have A Sin to Confess . . .

One of the biggest things I’ve been learning recently is that sin is no trivial matter. I know some of you must be thinking, “Yeah, duh! Isn’t that obvious?” But it’s so easy to take sin lightly, isn’t it?
Jeremiah 17:9 - Fasting with a pure heart can honor and glorify god

Why I’m Fasting for the First Time

“Do you love God more than you love sugar?” A small voice in my head asked. I wavered, and was struck by the fact that I actually hesitated. We all have our coping mechanisms in times of stress and pressure.
Romans 8:34 - I Know Jesus walks with me in this journey

3 Things I Learned About My Sin-Filled Life

Ever felt the urge to do something you knew was wrong in God’s eyes, but stopped because you mustered up the strength and courage to put off the earthly, ungodly desires of the heart? And then found yourself going ahead and committing the sin moments later, because the flesh was weak even though the spirit was willing?
John 1:12 - I am no longer burdened by guilt from my past

Unshackled From My Sin For Good

Sin. This three-letter word dominated my life. Although I called myself a Christian, I committed the same sins over and over again: watching pornographic movies, smoking, and drinking strong liquor.
Because of the lord, I am victorious over the devil

My letter to “Sin”

Dear Sin, You keep on knocking on the door, tempting me in every way you can. I have broken my bondage with you, I have chosen to let you go; yet you keep coming back.
Reject temptation from the devil and follow the lord

Will you also betray me?

He was one of the Twelve. He walked and talked with Jesus, heard the sermons He preached, and witnessed the miracle He performed.
John 21: A passionate pursuit for the savior

A Passionate Pursuit for the Savior

But I would walk 500 miles / And I would walk 500 more / Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles / To fall down at your door