Building a relationship with God

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Building a relationship with God. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Building a relationship with God.

Image of a women sitting on the rocks by the lake

What It's Like to Wait on God

Some of the very least favourite parts of my life are the days of waiting. Which, I guess, doesn’t say that much. After all, so much of life is waiting for something.
someone is doing gardening in the house

Gardening Opened My Eyes to God's Perfect Timing

A couple of years ago, my parents decided to give me a few of their plants to take care of. I wasn’t really a plant person, but I wanted to appreciate their gesture and so accepted (rather begrudgingly) the responsibility of caring for.
ducklings follow mom swimming but a lazy duckling refuse and use a swimming ring

4 Misconceptions About Following Jesus

Sometimes the way we view Christian living can turn into a drag, like having a long list of things you know you should do but aren't doing well or enough, so you're constantly struggling (failing) to "live up to expectations".
A girl is reading a book but is not focusing.

Ideas For When You’re Spiritually Distracted

You’ve probably been there, like I have. You settle in for some time with God, but your brain feels more like a pinball machine. 
A guy sitting and thinking

How do I Know That God Really Loves Me?

How we perceive love does not just apply to our relationships with other people, it also affects our relationship with God. One of the profound tenets of faith is that God is a God of love.
A woman looking out of the window with a mixed feeling during Christmas.

Celebrating Christ in the Shadow of Miscarriage

With “merry lattes” to go and gingerbread settlements taking over window displays, it is safe to say another Christmas has come calling. Yet, for me, it’s also another Christmas in the shadow of disease, social distancing, and degrees of despair.
A mum is busy with her own work and the children behind is making noise

The Day I Broke Down as a Parent—and Found Rest in Jesus

I was a complete mess. The husband was yet at another meeting, so I was stuck with two young children and a baby at witching hour. When my son accidentally tipped his entire bowl of rice all over the floor—I completely lost it.
a man yawning on a sofa while watching tv

6 Signs Your Christianity Is Too Comfortable

Has your relationship with God become more like a once-a-week date, same time same place, with a 10-to-15-minute check-in every other day—at best? Does Christianity still define us, or have we redefined Christianity to suit us?
Girl with hand across her face covering

Is God Leading You into a Season of Pruning?

Since my home church in Mexico sent me out for missions in East Asia almost five years ago, I had been living by a mindset that it’s my responsibility to be productive in whatever ministry God leads me to. However, in the past year, I haven’t felt as busy or “productive” the way I have in other locations I’ve lived in. The extra downtime has prompted me to reflect on the years I’ve spent on this side of the world, which made me realise that I’ve been feeling weary for quite some time.