Growing in the faith

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Growing in the faith. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Growing in the faith.

When We Ask for Journey Mercies

Traveling by airplane these days is as easy and hassle-free as taking a bus or train. After keying in some personal details and with a few clicks of the mouse,

A Clubfoot's Journey

I was sixteen-year-old then, battling feelings of humiliation when others teased me about how my foot looked. At that time, I was also desperately searching for answers to the questions

Why Should We Give Thanks?

Recently, I was searching the Bible for verses relating to giving thanks and thanksgiving and at least 200 verses showed up. In the Old Testament,

Giving Thanks in Everyday Life

When we see how God has intervened in a situation—whether good or bad—it’s easy to give thanks. Many of us have probably also read about giving thanks in extremely

My Journey of Endurance

Having worked as a nurse for over two years, I decided it was time to learn something new and transfer to a different department in the hospital. With much enthusiasm and eagerness, I submitted my transfer request.

It's About The Climb

I was listening to The Climb by Miley Cyrus the other day when the lyrics got me thinking about the hurdles we face in our life. I was at the phase of moving on from a broken relationship,

She was the Fragrance of Christ

It was a hand-made wedding gift presented to his wife and him that caught his attention. He had never seen such detail and meticulousness put into a gift before.

Would you go the extra mile?

I recently spent $70 because of Kenneth, a young sales attendant. (Well, also partly because of my need for new pants.) Considering the amount of reflection and thinking which has resulted from my purchase,

5 "Harmless" Phrases We Use

We probably have said something before that unwittingly hurt others, caused others to stumble, or even saddened God. While we may not have had the intention of causing