Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under TOPICS. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: TOPICS.

Woman looking out a car window

How To Rest Without Feeling Guilty

I grew up in a family where we were reminded to not “just sit there” but to keep our hands busy and help others out. This has made resting unsettling for me, as it seems to be the same as “doing nothing”, which doesn’t make sense when there’s always something to be done.
someone is doing gardening in the house

Gardening Opened My Eyes to God's Perfect Timing

A couple of years ago, my parents decided to give me a few of their plants to take care of. I wasn’t really a plant person, but I wanted to appreciate their gesture and so accepted (rather begrudgingly) the responsibility of caring for.
A man standing on top of the hill and welcoming morning sun

What Does Jesus' Resurrection Have to do With My Life Right Now?

I took a step to follow Jesus 20 years ago. I heard Jesus preached every Sunday, but I had neglected to consider how His life, death, and resurrection unveiled what it means to be truly human and how this impacts us as His disciples.
a girl is feeling tired and stress

How to Tell if You're Burned Out or Just Exhausted

It hit me one afternoon, that feeling that I couldn’t keep going on anymore. The intense weight of the expectations—both my own and those from other people—felt so heavy that I believed the only way out was to end my life.
three girls are joining online church

5 Ways The Church Is Changing and How We Can Adapt

Two years into the global pandemic, it has become clear that the church will not be returning to what it once was—a gathering primarily based in a physical location. “That church” has “left the building”.
A guy sit on the bench and rest

In Praise of Sabbath: On Letting Go

One summer, my family wrangled our carry-ons from Uganda onto a plane bound for six months stateside. I felt conflicted over this long break, as I tend to find my identity deeply in usefulness and purpose and work.
A woman is reading book on her bed

I Lost My Hearing, But I Still Heard God’s Grace and Love

The year I turned 24, I became virtually deaf. I was talking to my family one night when I realised that I could only pick out two or three words in a sentence. The doctors diagnosed me with sensorineural hearing loss.
A girl sits on the bench and look at the morning sun

I Was Healed of an Incurable Disease

In 2018, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The doctor told me that there was no cure. Knowing that I had to live with this for the rest of my life became a burden.
image of madeleine grace

I Found Out I Was Autistic at 22

“You have Autism Spectrum Disorder,” the psychologist says to me while leaning over the table to hand me my 12-page diagnosis. I try to speak, but nothing comes out. There aren’t any words; just a rush of relief that floods through every part of me.