
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Friendship. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Friendship.

Please Hurry Up and Interrupt Me

My speed unintentionally suggests to those around me, “Let’s get this over with because I have things to do.” And I wish I could say that walking fast is the only way I’ve communicated to others that they are not as important as my schedule...

When My Good Deeds Backfired

It had been some time since I had a meal with an elderly friend of mine, so I was looking forward to catch up with her. But what I hoped to be a fun catch-up quickly turned into an awkward one when my good intentions backfired.

It Sucks to Not Be Invited

It's 1am, and I can't sleep. My heart is heavy and my mind is full of unpleasantness.  I shouldn't be feeling like this. I've spent the past few days having a great time with people I love. But still, seeing the Instagram stories from dozens of friends who are hanging out at something I wasn't invited to—it hurts. A lot.  

4 Ways to Relate to Someone Who Thinks Differently From You

It’s been an eventful year, and unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve surely noticed that everyone around you has a different, often heated, opinion about ongoing events.

5 Ways You Might be Cannibalizing Your Personal Conflicts

Conflict is often full of such. . . loss. Loss of closeness, of dignity, of whatever was precious to us that someone trampled on. But would you believe me if I told you conflict is an opportunity?

When Strangers Opened Up Their Home to Me

“Why are you still looking for housing options? I’ve told you that you can come stay with us. We have a room for you,” Cheu said. This gentle rebuke has stuck with me for a while—even after I’ve wrapped up my five-month stay at her family’s apartment in New York, and now returned home to Singapore—as a reminder of such ordinary, yet radical, hospitality.

3 Steps to Loving Those Who Drive You up the Wall

Every day, we pray for new strength so we’d be able to walk out Jesus’ call to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us (Matthew 5:43-44). But, at the end of each week, we’re worn and exhausted, and find ourselves throwing mental darts at our enemies.

How We Can All Experience Some Good from Conflict

Her demeanor was the first signal. The way she averted her eyes when I looked in her direction. Then, as we walked past her on our way out of church and my husband bid a friendly goodbye, her silence confirmed it—she was upset.

When Your "Neighbor" Is Really Hard to Love

She referenced me by a racial slur and made it clear she didn’t like me, or other light-skinned black people. I was shocked and hurt that she would say those things right in front of me, but with this realization, everything started to make sense.