
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Relationships. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Relationships.

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When I Argued with My Husband About Money

In February, my husband had a seizure due to stress. He had not been coping well with all the changes at work and ended up leaving his job in March. Since then, he has been searching for a job, but with the pandemic, the job market has been bleak. And so, I thought we would need to be more prudent with our expenses while we live on my income. But he was not willing to compromise on a significant expense—to let go of the helper who had joined us for just a couple of months. It frustrated me that he refused to listen to my explanation and proposals.
graphic image of a couple from different race

When Race and Faith Collide: Woes of Dating Someone From a Different Race

The door slammed. Right in my face. I have never had someone do that to me before; this was the stuff of Hollywood dramas, but this drama was only just beginning. That was the response I encountered when my father asked me point-blank if I was seeing Pravin*. It marked the start of a downward spiral in my relationship with my father, two years of what my father called the “dark night of his soul”.
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5 Things I Didn't Realise Until I Got Married

Yet, as I have learned in the nine short months that I’ve been married, there were things—situations, emotions—that I had imagined differently when I was single. Close friends of mine who were also newlyweds, shared similar sentiments.
image of a friendship, two women talk together

3 Types of Friends We All Need

I’m sure we’re all familiar with broken relationships. Perhaps these negative experiences might have tempted us into thinking that maintaining true and deep friendships are unnecessary and bothersome. But the Bible tells us that we are made to relate to others, and not live in isolation (1 Cor 12:12-27), as is evident from what we have experienced during the lockdowns around the world.
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7 Areas to Grow in as a Dating Couple

Dating doesn’t have to be a foggy experience. Instead, dating should be a season of clarity—to clarify whether you and your partner are ready to move on to marriage together. Here are seven areas to help us make the most of our dating season and gauge our readiness for marriage:
image of a couple in conversation at home

The Argument That Changed the Way I Handle Conflict in My Marriage

What started out as an innocent question ended up setting off explosive words between us, revealing our communication issues as a couple. As my husband started listing all of his complaints about me, I became increasingly frustrated, angry even, at his self-justification.

To the One Who Feels Lonely

Do you ever imagine what it’s like, having people who care about you? Wouldn’t it just brighten up your day, knowing that there are people eagerly waiting to greet you when you get to school or work? I wish that were the case for me too.
Woman sitting in bed sad and alone - is loneliness a sin

Is Loneliness a Sin?

I could understand what the children’s pastor was saying: anything that distracts us from God, causing us to doubt and seek comfort elsewhere, is sinful.  But is the feeling of loneliness sinful or just what we do with our loneliness? And if it’s not good for man or woman to be alone, is it a sin if he or she is?
Picture of a girl and a guy for article when God did not answer my prayer for a relationship

When God Didn't Answer My Prayer for a Relationship

I sat on the couch as tears dripped down my face. I had willed myself not to cry, but I felt as if a small tiny knife had lodged in my heart, and each breath drawn only served to push the metaphorical knife further into my heart. I replayed the text message in my head: “It’s someone I have started seeing, but nothing official at the moment.”