
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Singleness. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Singleness.

Colorful ring - 3 things to focus on when you're single

3 Things to Focus on When You're Single

Are you tired of questions about your relationship status? Or has a relationship you thought would last recently come to an end? Have you just spent the summer watching everyone else get married, and find yourself asking God, “Why am I still single?”
Girl alone in the forest - how to deal with the question why are you still single

5 Ways to Deal with the Question, "Why Are You Still Single?"

“It’s a new year already but I see you’re still single, eh?” “When are you getting a boyfriend?” “You know, your friend from high school already has two children. When will you be like her?”
Girl alone in the park - Choosing to stay single this season

Why I'm Choosing to Stay Single This Season

The standard answer I have on hand whenever people inquire about my single status is that I have not met Mr Right.
Girl alone on the beach - You're still single, something must be wrong with you

“You’re still single? What’s wrong with you?”

Last week, I realized I may be a contender for a world record—the highest number of weddings attended by a single person under the age of 35. I’ve been counting and, although it seems impossible, the number has now reached 207.
Holding Hands - Getting married shouldn't be your only life goal

Getting Married Need Not Be A #lifegoal

Wedding and engagement announcements dominate my social media feeds, and I am starting to feel left out.
Girl lying flat on table - crossing the line of singleness

Singleness: The Line I Can't Seem to Cross

What is the purpose of a line? It is used to separate things into two categories. From where I’m standing, the people on the other side of the line are either attached or married. And here I am, on my side of the line, waiting to cross it.
Girl looking out window - why won't god give me a boyfriend

Why Won’t God Give Me a Boyfriend?

I have a confession to make: I turn 25 this year, and I have never been in a relationship. It’s not just because I haven’t met the right person; it’s also because no one has ever pursued me before.
Letter with pen - confessions of a single guy

Confessions of a Single Guy

“When I was a child, I saw adults dating. When I became an adult, I saw children dating.” I laughed when I saw these words on a meme while scrolling through Instagram.
Girl standing alone - when will it be my turn

When Will It Be My Turn?

You meet him—you know who I’m talking about. He’s the guy you’ve been dreaming of, the one you thought you’d never even talk to . . . and then he asks you on a date, a real date!