In the News

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How Should Believers Respond to the Killing of Black People

How Should Believers Respond to the Killing of Black People?

This week, a police officer in Minneapolis held his knee to the neck of George Floyd, an African American man. After nine minutes of what can only be described as desperate pleas and cries, George died. He was murdered on a street, in broad daylight, by an institution designed to protect people.

Dear Covid-19, I Wish We Never Met . . .

Dear Corona, You’ve been on my lips almost every day, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you for weeks now. I’ve even been stalking you online—seeing what you’ve been up to lately, following your every move. Clearly, you’ve captivated me like no other.

Covid-19: Calm Your Farm and Carry on With Life

Things got very serious when WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic just over a week ago, coupled with countries going into lockdowns with tighter security measures in place, and a second wave of panic set in. The fear of a lockdown, with shops and schools closed, are sending people to the supermarkets to clear shelves out of long-life foods such as pasta, canned tunas, flour—to name a few.

Coronavirus Pandemic: I'm Afraid, and I Don't Even Know Why

Last night, the panic rose to a new level as the governor ordered all K-12 schools in the state to close for three full weeks. This morning, I woke up to the first three confirmed cases right here in my own city.

Covid-19: One Month Later, I'm Still Trapped at Home

74,675 diagnosed cases. 4,922 suspected cases. 2,121 deaths. 51 days have passed since the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) first broke out on 31 December 2019, and it’s been 29 days since the cities (including mine) near Wuhan have been on a lockdown. Many like myself have been banned from leaving our homes, uncertain of when we can resume work, or have resorted to working from home.

Coronavirus Outbreak: In My Panic-Buying, I Bagged More Than Rice

“Can you go to the supermarket now and buy a few bags of rice? Supply is depleting from the shelves!” my husband said, in a concerned manner. It was the day major news outlets had just reported that Singapore’s Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) level had turned from yellow to orange.

Coronavirus Outbreak: Would You Be Selfish or Selfless?

If you have been closely following the news about the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak, you would be familiar with the name Dr Li Wen Liang.

Why Such A Bad Start to 2020?

I hope your new year is off to a good start. That’s how I’ve been starting my emails lately—with a sincere wish. The bad news that we’ve been reading and watching on the media this year have affected people I know on a personal level.

Covid-19: What It's Like Living in a Ghost Town in Fear

The virus has spread much more quickly than anyone could have imagined. Just overnight, it was confirmed that the virus can spread from person to person. Face masks are sold out. Wuhan City is completely shut down. The entire country has fallen into panic.