Ashley Ashcraft

Learn more about Ashley Ashcraft and check out Ashley Ashcraft’s contributions to YMI over the years.


How Can We Look to Christ's Return This Christmas?

While remembering Christ’s first coming during Advent and Christmas, we also anticipate and prepare for His second coming. Many people feel fearful when they think of Jesus’ return, perhaps because there is so much unknown about it. But I would like to suggest that His return should be something that brings encouragement to our hearts and minds.

4 Ways To Celebrate Reformation Day

While October 31 is more popularly known as Halloween, the date also holds a special place in the heart of many Christians. On this day 501 years ago, a German monk named Martin Luther published a list of grievances against the Catholic Church. He nailed this list—which later came to be called the 95 Theses—to the door of the chapel at the University of Wittenberg, and this ignited a movement.

Eugene Peterson: A Life Dedicated To Engaging With Scripture

When I first read that Eugene Peterson had just days left to live, I had mixed emotions. I was happy for him that he would soon be in the presence of Jesus, and yet, I also felt sad, because we were about to lose a great champion of the faith.

3 Reasons Why We Should Stop Church-Shopping

Are you guilty of church-shopping? Church-shopping is when people…

3 Ways Missions Changed The Way I Relate To Others

It was the summer after 9/11. Looking back, I can’t quite believe that we went. Everything and anything to do with airports and security was tense, and everyone was on high alert. So much was going on in the world, and yet our church still commissioned and sent out five different groups of teenagers to five different countries.

Why Social Media Scares Me Sometimes

I’m an old soul. I’d rather read an actual book than a device. I prefer hymns to contemporary worship. I was mercilessly made fun of once for saying that a glass of iced tea “hit the spot.” So it probably comes as no surprise for me to tell you that social media. . . scares me sometimes.

Why Is It So Difficult to Make Friends?

It started as a simple plan—“Come meet us at the splashpad with your little ones.” This email from the Children’s Director at our church was a great idea.
Hand holding dollar bills - stewardship is not just about money

Stewardship Is Not Just About Money

My daughter will turn two this summer, and she has a new favorite word. “Mine!” seems to work its way into her limited vocabulary at a pretty regular rate.

4 Things I Learned from Corrie Ten Boom

Five days ago (April 15) marked the 25th death anniversary of Dutch watchmaker and Christian Corrie ten Boom. Though I have always been familiar with her story, I had not yet picked up her book until I heard a presentation on Corrie ten Boom’s life