
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Bible. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Bible.


ODJ: the desert road

Apparently someone connected with Google has a sense of humour. In one recent Google Maps route from Japan to China, as expected, a long list of detailed directions populated the page.

ODJ: sheltered

The red and white “For Sale” sign in our garden boldly proclaims that our lives are in transition. Stepping out by faith, my husband and I are selling our home and leaving his current position of ministry to move to a community about 30 miles away. Confident that God is able, I still find myself trying to get my bearings as we wait on the unknown. I daily live between two places: at peace with

ODB: Black Boxes

Commercial aircraft carry two flight-data recorders called “black boxes.” One logs the performance and condition of the aircraft in flight, and the other records the conversation of the crew with air-traffic controllers on the ground. These boxes are insulated to protect against extreme temperatures and are fitted with underwater locator beacons that emit sounds to the surface. After an airpla

ODJ: blind eyes & burning hearts

If you want to humble me, all you need to do is hand me one of those Where’s Wally? images—the ones where you attempt to locate the numerous places where the character Wally blends into the scenery. I can stare at them for hours with little result. When someone finally points out Wally’s location to me, it’s embarrassing to see him—right there in plain view! As theologian Stanley Hauerwa

ODJ: lawn libraries

Nancy Johnson went for a walk and discovered a little library in a neighbour’s garden. It’s estimated that there are now between 300 to 400 small libraries lodged in people’s lawns around the world. Each has a take a book/leave a book policy. Nancy commented, “What a nifty idea . . . I like the sense of community.”
Many of us are looking for a way to connect with people who share our i

ODJ: taking the wheel

Last spring Jeremy Wuitschick was riding on his school bus with 11 other secondary school pupils when the bus driver passed out. Wuitschick sprang from his seat and ran up and took the wheel from the unconscious driver. He then steered the bus away from traffic and turned the ignition off. The bus rolled to a stop. Jeremy had saved the day!
When God called Joshua to fill the big sandals left by

ODJ: recalculating relationships

A comedian once mused that he wished someone would make a Sat Nav for husbands. He said something like this: Sat Nav: “Compliment your wife’s appearance.” Comedian: “Hey, honey, you look really good.” Sat Nav: “Ask her about her day.” Comedian: “How was your day, sweetheart?” Sat Nav: “Pretend to be listening.” Comedian: “Oh . . . Really . . .” Sat Nav: “Flatter your wi

ODJ: walk worthy of God

Congratulations for doing so well!” Friends and family recently showered me with praise. But it was due to the fact that my daughter had done exceptionally well in her national examinations. As a father, I couldn’t have been prouder of my daughter’s achievements. Likewise, we do our heavenly Father proud when we live our lives “in a way that God would consider worthy” (1 Thessalonians 2:

ODJ: live prepared 

On a recent family trip, we were driving late at night through thickly wooded areas. A small bright gleam to the left captured our attention, and my husband quickly slowed the car as two deer leaped across our path. We took that teachable moment to explain to our children the power of peripheral vision—giving them insight to use one day when they’re behind the wheel.
Our spiritual journey ca