Caleb Young

Learn more about Caleb Young and check out Caleb Young’s contributions to YMI over the years.


Xempt: A New Name And New Lease On Life

At the age of 17, Caleb Bloomfield found himself in the dark basement of his apartment no longer in control of his own life. He was reeling from two major losses

Dunkirk: Searching For The Way Home

What would you do to survive? And to what lengths would you go to save others? These are the questions at the core of Dunkirk, an action-packed thriller of a war film based on real-life events at the French port town of Dunkirk during World War II.

What Silence Has To Say

If you’re into movies that encourage, inspire, or even provoke, Silence may be the answer—if you hang in there and wait for the best parts to emerge.