Christine E.

Learn more about Christine E. and check out Christine E.’s contributions to YMI over the years.


5 Things to do Before Turning 30

Though it still feels like college wasn’t that long ago, my friends and I are now all closer to 30 than we are to 20. 30 seems like a big milestone. Right now, we’re still exploring, still jumping between jobs, still trying to decide “what we want to do when we grow up.”

When Did You Last Stop for A Coffee Break?

A month and a half ago, I got a message from a friend who was newly married and in grad school. Life was busy, he told me, and asked how my husband and I managed our time when we were first married.
What to Do When the Bible Seems Boring

What to Do When the Bible Seems Boring

In November 2015, I decided that it would be a good idea to read through the Bible again. The last time I had done it was a number of years ago, and since then, I mostly hung out in the Gospels and the letters of Paul, venturing forth occasionally to Genesis and Proverbs.

If Not for Him, Pain Would Have Overcome Me

A little over a year ago, my husband and I found out that I was pregnant. We were naturally overjoyed, but also a little terrified of the actual birth process. Giving birth is a painful, messy, and dangerous process.

How Fiction Points Me to God

I love books. Ever since I learned to read, I would never leave the house without a book (or three). I was a very shy child, and whenever I found myself in a strange place or in strange company, I was comforted by the fact that I had my literary friends with me
coffee cup in hands

5 Ways to Get Real Rest

God created work, and it was meant to be good. But we often get so caught up with what we are doing that we race from one task to the next, forgetting how God had also instituted rest (Genesis 2:2-3).

Could Christmas be About Abraham too?

Have you ever received a lovely gift and thanked the giver appropriately, only to realize later that it was homemade? Suddenly the significance of the gift grows, because you now know that the giver had put in much effort and many hours into it, and your former expression of thanks doesn’t seem adequate any more.

When Passion Clashes with Obedience

Sometime in high school, I decided I had to do something about the political troubles in my country. I spent hours poring over the news, trying to get fully acquainted with the political complexities and their social consequences.

Born This Way: A Cause to Celebrate?

A few years ago, Lady Gaga came out with her hit song “Born This Way”—which I still hear over the radio often. It’s catchy, and I’m sure many of us could easily sing along to the chorus. But I recently took a closer look at the lyrics, and became rather concerned.