
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Church. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Church.


What Almost Ruined a Relationship before It Got Started

With a passing glance, I thought he was a homeless man who had wandered into church. But then he started handing out weekly programs, and as people greeted him by name, I realized I was more of a stranger than he was.

3 Tips for Managing Life's Transitions

The three years I spent as a student in Canberra were some of the best years of my life. And then, I found out that my student visa was expiring, and it was time for me to head back to my home country, Malaysia. I tried applying to further my stay in Australia, but it was rejected twice. I was heartbroken, but reluctantly packed up my belongings and made my way “home”.

Singleness in the Church: 3 Ways We Can Do Better

Let’s name something that probably doesn’t get mentioned enough: The church as we know it today custom tailors a lot of its activity to the family. From ministry programs to sermon applications, even to the term “family-friendly,” our churches operate with families in mind as their primary audience.

What Helped Me When I Was in a Dark Place

I was trying to understand things on my own. My mom had passed away the year before, and my long-term relationship with my daughter’s father was not working out. . . I was feeling a lot of hurt and knew something needed to change.

Reimagining Church Amidst Covid-19—and Beyond

All over the world, mass gatherings have been suspended, and churches are no longer conducting physical congregational worship services, but are reimagining different ways of gathering. All these changes have made me ponder what exactly church is. What if God, through the present crisis, is asking us to rethink how we do church, so as to rediscover His intentions for it?

I Was Too Busy for Small Group

The excuses for why we couldn’t join a small group (also known as a community group, life group, crew, tribe, etc.) came easily. That is, I was prepared in case anyone asked. But usually, it wasn’t a direct ask, just a generic call from the altar that was easy to dismiss.

To the Church, From Same-Sex Attracted Me

I write this letter and share my experience anonymously because I honestly don’t know what the reactions will be. I worry that parents will cast dark looks at me and pull their kids away from me. I fear being hurt in the same way that many people have already hurt me: by insisting that same-sex attraction (SSA) was something I chose and I could definitely turn away from it if I tried hard enough.

What It's Like Struggling with Same-Sex Attraction as a Christian

I profess faith in God, and I believe in the resurrected Christ and His redemptive power that can save us from our sins. I believe in grace that is freely given and salvation received only through faith. I am also same-sex attracted (SSA), and I want to share my experience in the hope that it may help Christians understand other believers like myself a little better.

When Church Doesn't Meet Your Expectations

As a pastor, I’m used to hearing from people that they feel disconnected from their (or our) church, even if they are deeply involved. Their experience simply hasn’t measured up to what they had hoped it might be. If you feel disconnected from your church, you’re not alone.