
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Compassion. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Compassion.


Autism Awareness Day: How I Learned to Enter into Their World

He was having a very bad day. Something in his routine had changed. He was screaming, crying, and dashing around, hitting out at tables, the walls, and even his forehead.

The Girl I'll Never Forget

I had barely turned 17 that fall in 2015. Newly arrived in Hungary for Bible college, I accompanied a group of pastors and students that were going to one of the many refugee camps at the Serbian border to help with relief and supplies.

3 Ways To Respond to A World With Changing Values

On 6 September 2018, India’s Supreme Court overturned a 157-year-old law which had previously criminalized consensual gay sex. This may come as a surprise to many, since India has long been known for its family values and traditional views on marriage.

4 Tips For Reaching Out To The Homeless

“Excuse me, miss, do you have any spare change?” The other day, I was asked for some money by a man sitting outside the local supermarket. He was wrapped up in a blanket, with his hoodie over his head and a torn paper cup in his hand.

Why I Meet Dying People Everyday

As I walked the streets of Baltimore, USA, I saw many addicts and homeless people.  One of them, an elderly man with his belongings all around him, was sitting in a wheelchair and only his face was visible between all his bulky clothes.

We Are Not the Sum of Our Bad Choices

You might have encountered them on the streets. The lonely, the homeless, and the addicted. They started off just like the rest of us, but somewhere along the line, one wrong choice after another led them on a downward spiral.

ODJ: Red Houses

An organisation in South Africa began a compassionate project many years ago. The group buys houses in impoverished areas and paints them red. They then hire house parents who live in the red houses, providing beacons of light to the troubled communities. Over the years, these houses have become havens for children at risk and other hurting people in need of a safe place, a hot meal, a listening e

ODJ: Ox in the Street

Picnics are usually a lot of fun, unless you realise—minutes before you leave—that you’re supposed to bring a dish to share! When this happened to me, I quickly put some meat in a pot, cranked up the heat and left the kitchen to finish other preparations. Several minutes later I smelled something burning. I ran to the kitchen, but of course it was too late to salvage the burnt of

ODJ: feeling compassion

Stephen Crane’s story “The Open Boat” tells the tale of four men attempting to survive in a lifeboat at sea. One of the men ironically reflected on a poem he had read as a schoolboy about a soldier fighting in Algiers. The man realized that “he had never considered it his affair that a soldier of the Legion lay dying in Algiers, nor had it appeared to him as a matter for so