
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Contentment. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Contentment.


Landing in the Pig Pen Instead of My Dream Job

As I walked into the farm yard in my pink-striped wellies and oversized farm gear, I was hopeful that this job would only be for a couple of weeks.
Photo of a polaroid - behind happy social media posts

Behind Happy Social Media Posts

Whenever I scroll through Facebook or microblogging site Weibo, I will always look with envy at the lovely photos of my friends’ travelling escapades, their new branded products, and delicious food that they enjoy. Based on these photos, I have to conclude that their lives must be going swimmingly.

Are We Really #Blessed?

Recently, I was intrigued to learn that one of the hashtags that took social media by storm in the past few years wasn’t a new concept—or new word, for that matter. It was the word “blessed”. A quick scroll through Instagram will show at least 72 million posts tagged with #blessed.
Girl online shopping - more than just excessive spending

It wasn't just excessive spending, it was more.

Ask any good Christian where their comfort comes from and their answer would be Christ. My source of comfort starts with C too, but I’m afraid it’s something else: Clothes.

ODJ: Simple Things

It was 2 a.m. and we’d just completed 26 hours of air travel—including connections. Lines of bleary-eyed passengers queued to get through customs. Most of us had just one thing on our mind—getting home and falling into bed. In front of me stood a mother and her daughter. The girl, perhaps 2 years old, was wide awake and wandering around the terminal. Beckoned by her mother, she r

ODJ: content where we are

We’ve heard the stories: a man leaves his wife of many years for a woman he has met at work—disorienting and disillusioning his family.A woman turns from her husband, opting for the man she connected with online, leaving her family heartbroken and bewildered.A couple, pillars of their local church, suddenly bolt to join a new fellowship that just opened its doors—prompting their

ODJ: balancing seasons

As we pause and reflect on another 12 months gone by, we’re often quick to aim for greater balance in all areas during the new year. Author and pastor Andy Stanley suggests that we aim to find a rhythm in the changing seasons of life.

ODB: Losing Our Way

An online survey conducted by a New York law firm reveals that 52 percent of Wall Street traders, brokers, investment bankers, and other financial service professionals have either engaged in illegal activity or

ODB: Windfall

Upon winning $314 million in a 2002 lottery, a happy business owner expressed noble desires. He wanted to start a charitable foundation, put laid-off workers back on the job, and