
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Creation. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Creation.


ODB: Golden Eagle

My son Mark and I were leaving the Clyde Peterson Ranch in Wyoming to head back to Michigan. In the distance we spotted a huge bird sitting in a solitary tree overlooking a steep canyon. As we approached, the golden eagle leaped from the tree and soared out over the canyon, the golden streaks in its feathers shimmering in the morning sun. Its immense size and beauty filled us with wonder. We felt

ODB: Dust Art

When God chose dust as His artistic medium to create Adam (Gen. 2:7), He didn’t have to worry about running out of material. According to Hannah Holmes, author of The Secret Life of Dust, “Between 1 and 3 billion tons of desert dust fly up into the sky annually. One billion tons would fill 14 million boxcars in a train that would wrap six times around the Earth’s equator.”No one h

ODB: Wonderfully Made

While getting an eye exam recently, my doctor hauled out a piece of equipment that I hadn’t seen before. I asked him what the device was, and he responded, “I’m using it to take a picture of the inside of the back of your eye.”I was impressed that someone had invented a camera that could do that. But I was even more impressed by what my doctor could learn from that picture. He said, “We

ODJ: losing ourselves

James Hunter, a sociology professor at a large university, says, “Many people continue to think of their lives in moral terms; they want to live good lives, but they are more uncertain about what the nature of the good is.”?

ODJ: must see destinations

The title of a 2010 special edition magazine read: “Heaven on Earth: The World’s Must See Destinations.” It contains stunning photography of places such as the Grand Canyon, Alaska’s Denali, Petra in Jordan and Rio de Janeiro.

ODJ: a new genesis

A couple of years ago as I was driving our son to kindergarten, our conversation turned to resurrection. Understandably he was perplexed about what it meant and how it worked.

ODB: Our Father's World

When Amanda Benavides was a sophomore at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, California, she began to rethink her views on Christian stewardship of the earth. Amanda had grown up thinking that being conscious of the environment had nothing to do with her relationship with Jesus. All this changed when she was challenged to consider the Christian’s role in caring for the planet—especial

ODJ: origin of the species

A previously unknown monkey species, the Caqueta titi monkey, was discovered deep in the Amazon jungle in August 2009. A month earlier two newly identified species of fish were found in the area affected by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Taxonomists today are discovering new species of animals, birds and fish all the time—18,516 new species were discovered in 2007 alone. On average 50 new

ODB: Crowned With Glory

The Voyager 1 spacecraft, which was launched in 1977, is on the outer edge of our solar system more than 10 billion miles away. In February 1990, when Voyager 1 was almost 4 billion miles from us, scientists turned its camera toward Earth and took some pictures that revealed our planet as an almost imperceptible blue dot on a vast sea of empty space.In the immense reaches of our