
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Dating. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Dating.


graphic image of a couple from different race

When Race and Faith Collide: Woes of Dating Someone From a Different Race

The door slammed. Right in my face. I have never had someone do that to me before; this was the stuff of Hollywood dramas, but this drama was only just beginning. That was the response I encountered when my father asked me point-blank if I was seeing Pravin*. It marked the start of a downward spiral in my relationship with my father, two years of what my father called the “dark night of his soul”.
image of a coupe sitting and talking together under a tree

7 Areas to Grow in as a Dating Couple

Dating doesn’t have to be a foggy experience. Instead, dating should be a season of clarity—to clarify whether you and your partner are ready to move on to marriage together. Here are seven areas to help us make the most of our dating season and gauge our readiness for marriage:

4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Embarking on a Relationship

My years of being single (and not by choice) were difficult for me. From my teenage to young adult years, I was sure something was ‘wrong’ with me, that’s why I was not ‘dateable’. But now that I’ve entered into a romantic relationship for the first time, I’m glad I took time to seriously reflect on these soul-searching questions.

How I Knew My Husband Was "The One"

As a teenager, I’d lie in bed and wonder what my future husband was doing at that very moment, wherever he was in this world. He was breathing, blinking, thinking, living, and I wondered: When would we meet? Would I know that he was the one?

What My Failed Relationships Helped Me See

Over the last nine years, I’ve had two failed relationships, which came about through a mix of unforeseen circumstances and poor decisions. Though they may not be comparable to others’ experiences, they were painful, took a toll on my mental health, and affected my view of love for a short time. But by God’s grace, they have not completely shattered my view of love.

When My Hopes for a Relationship Was Dashed

For a good half year, I had been trading messages with someone I had just gotten to know. Wisdom gleaned from dating sites and friends had me convinced that he was interested in me—otherwise, why would he be messaging me every day? Surely, there had to be  an interest of some sort involved, right? “He might ask me out any day now,” I thought. Sadly, I was so wrong.

When God Gets the Timing Wrong

“I’ll graduate university, get a good job and then get married by 24,” my friend predicted confidently, as a group of us chatted over lunch in our all-girl high school.

Indian Matchmaking: 4 Reasons We Can't Stop Watching

Who knew Indian Matchmaking would be the 2020 pick-me-up we didn’t know we needed? Netflix’s new show is going viral, and we’re all a little surprised at just how willing we are to binge-watch the full 8-episode season.

The ABCs of Battling Lust in Dating

We did everything we possibly could to be pure before the Lord: we read articles and memorized verses, prayed and reflected over each struggle, and instituted physical boundaries. Yet almost every single time we met, everything we'd learned flew out of our heads. If you struggle with lust in your courtship as we did, I'd encourage you to take this season of self-isolation to pray and discuss with your significant other the basics—or what I call the ABCs—of pursuing joy in the Lord, and fighting sin.