
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Depression. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Depression.


My Loneliness Drew Me Closer to Christ

My entire life has been about being mediocre. Coming from a family of high achievers, my achievements have always paled in comparison. And as an introverted middle child in a rather huge family, I have always struggled to voice out my feelings or opinions. Being invisible is what best describes me.

Dear Depressed Christians

Title: Dear depressed Christians Artwork by: Emilia Ting (@lightcollector) Words…

Why Am I Depressed?

On May 3, 2012, I was in a near-fatal car accident and suffered a severe traumatic brain injury as a result. God miraculously saved my life that day, and also went on to orchestrate a recovery only He is capable of.

Letter to A Depressed Christian

Dear Depressed Christian, I know about the scars on your wrists. I know you spend your sleepless nights crying

A Counselor’s Journey to the Border of Depression

2014 was the worst year of my life. I consider that year to be my deepest pit. I was going through complicated grief, emotional abuse at work, burnout, and I experienced so much hurt and rejection from the ministries where I served as a leader.

Is Anxiety A Sin?

Your hands turn sweaty when you think about going to school. Your heart pounds like a drum when you’re almost at the counter but still can’t decide what to eat for lunch.

Coming Clean On My Dirty Little Secret

I stood there with a razor in my hand. It was the first time I’d ever seriously contemplated ending my life. I had been in the shower for almost an hour, and I could hear the voices of my mother and sister pleading with me to get out.

When You Find Out Your Friend Has A Mental Illness

Simone and I were college-mates at university in England many years ago. Smart and popular, with a sarcastic sense of humor, she seemed to have it all: a strong Christian faith, a close circle of friends, top grades, and a guaranteed place in a prestigious postgraduate music program

When Crisis Strikes at Christmas

I will never forget Christmas Day, 2014. It was the day my wife had a panic attack. We were getting ready to leave for church that day.