
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Disappointment. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Disappointment.


Where Was God in My Job-Hunting Struggles?

By the end of my second summer after college, I was still jobless and had moved back in with my parents—something I vowed I would never do.

Putting the Joy Back into Surrendering

Life is hard. We face broken relationships, disappointment, discouragement, ostracism, illnesses, and day-to-day things like the frustration of squeezing with the morning crowd, assignments and chores that won’t complete themselves, nights when we straddle between exhaustion and insomnia—the list is endless.

How Do I Love God When I Can't Understand His Actions?

How do I love God when I can’t understand His actions? This was a question I asked myself some years ago. I was in the middle of a crisis. I had to close down a church that I had planted. I felt like I had been obedient to God. Yet, I felt like I had failed.

To the One Who Feels Like Giving Up on God

Dear Friend, Do you find yourself feeling hopeless and ready to give up on God? Or are you buried in loneliness, having lost sight of God’s love for you? If so, I have been there, and I want to tell you that God has a way of meeting you in the midst of your struggle.

How Do I Get Past My Disappointments and Hurts From Church?

My friend came to our breakfast meeting downcast. “I’m having a hard time,” she said. “How long does it take you to forgive someone?”

Can We Love Jesus Without Loving the Church?

I have always been a regular church attender, and am typically involved in one ministry or another. But there have been times when I wondered if being a part of a local church body is really all that important. I never actually stopped attending, but I have wondered at times, "What's the point?"

How To Get Up After Your Dreams Are Crushed

One of the biggest life hopes I had when I was a kid was to play professional baseball. That dream was shattered when during my freshman year of high school, I was cut from the high school baseball team.

God's Unexpected Plan in My Failed Job-Hunt

I have dreamed of becoming a journalist since entering college. My love for writing and travelling were my primary reasons for choosing the journalism course. But as graduation drew near, I was torn between two choices: passion or salary?

Why Am I Disappointed in Ministry?

I’ve always believed that hard work pays off. Sacrifices must be made—be it time, entertainment, or sleep—if results are to be expected. It is therefore no surprise to hear how many would stay up late to complete their assignments, edit their masterpieces, or study for an exam. I apply this attitude to both my studies and my involvement in Christian ministry.