
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Eternity. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Eternity.


Future Victory

In 2016, the Chicago Cubs baseball team won the World Series (North America’s pro baseball championship) for the first time since 1908.

Overwhelming Beauty

Daniel fainted before a man whose “face flashed like lightning” and whose “eyes flamed like torches.

Thor: Ragnarok – What Does The End Of The World Mean For Us?

What would you do if your home comes under threat of destruction? For Thor, it involves a journey to alien planets, squabbles with family and friends, and letting go of some of the things he was once so attached to.

Talking about Eternity with a Non-Christian

I’ve historically been fairly successful at avoiding the uncomfortable topic of who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. I have been able to evade any serious consideration of the matter by employing this principle.

ODB: The Last Chapter

I have a friend who reads the last chapter first when she starts a new thriller. “Takes the anxiety out of reading,” she claims. So with Christians: Because we know the end of the story, we can be centers of peace in the midst of utter chaos, calm in the face of disaster.The apostle Paul calls this attitude “moderation” in Philippians 4:5 (kjv). It’s a term tha

ODB: The End?

Everything in this world eventually comes to an end, which at times can be disheartening. It’s the feeling you get when you read a book that’s so good you don’t want it to end. Or when you watch a movie that you wish would go on a little while longer.But all things—good and bad—do come to “The End.” In fact, life ultimately does come to the end—sometimes sooner than we expect. All

ODB: Read Backwards

I confess that I sometimes read the end of a book before I read the beginning. Doing so allows me to know which characters live and which characters don’t. When I know how it will turn out, I’m able to relax and thoroughly appreciate and enjoy the story and the characters.In a similar way, reading the final book of the Bible, the book of Revelation, can be an encouragement and comfort for the

ODB: Eternal Eyesight

I received good news at my eye checkup last month—my faraway vision has improved. Well, I thought it was good news until a friend informed me: “Faraway vision can improve as we age; close-up vision may diminish.”The report made me think of another kind of improved faraway vision that I have observed in some Christians. Those who have known the Lord for a long time or who have gone through gr

ODB: Already Settled

I love watching soccer, and I am a fan of the Liverpool Football Club in England’s Premier League. When the Reds are playing, it is an anxiety-filled experience for me. Because one goal or one misplay can change the game’s outcome, I feel a constant tension as I watch. That is part of what makes the games enjoyable. Recently, though, I saw a tape-delayed replay of one of Liverpool’s games. I