Eunice Lin

Learn more about Eunice Lin and check out Eunice Lin’s contributions to YMI over the years.


image of 4 races walking

We Need to Talk About Race Matters

As a Singaporean Chinese, I’ve always been part of the racial majority. Although my heart is for the overlooked and voiceless, I knew that no amount of ministry with and among them would enable me to experience what being on the margins, or “othered”, is like. So I looked forward to experiencing life as a racial minority when I moved to the US.

Why I Reach Out To Prostitutes and the Marginalized

I was trained as a social worker and worked for seven years in a government agency. I loved that my job entailed advocating for change at a systemic level and thrived at work. It also enabled me to live out my faith intentionally, which shaped the ways I interacted and worked with those around me.