family conflict

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What Makes Family

Family, family, family.  Some of us may feel a surge of warmth thinking about family. Others may heave a heavy sigh.
A hand holding some family photos

5 Ways I Learned to Love My Dysfunctional Family

My family has always been what some might describe as ‘textbook Christian’: We go to church every Sunday, and attend fellowships and retreats. We read the Bible, join Bible study groups, and hold Bible study sessions at home. We believe that a family that prays together stays together. And yet, it has always been painful for me to see how much conflict and tension we have in our home.
graphic image of a couple from different race

When Race and Faith Collide: Woes of Dating Someone From a Different Race

The door slammed. Right in my face. I have never had someone do that to me before; this was the stuff of Hollywood dramas, but this drama was only just beginning. That was the response I encountered when my father asked me point-blank if I was seeing Pravin*. It marked the start of a downward spiral in my relationship with my father, two years of what my father called the “dark night of his soul”.

Confronting Conflict the Healthy Way

Imagine a life devoid of conflict, disagreements, and hurts. And even if any one of those arose, we can happily shake on it, and agree to disagree. How happy and enjoyable our lives will be!  Unfortunately, because we’re all sinful beings and we live in a broken world, conflicts do and will arise in our everyday lives. 

The ABCs of family

Picture-perfect families are the realm of social media posts. In reality, all families are flawed, and there’s nothing like being cooped up in close quarters with them 24/7 to magnify and highlight our quirks as tempers flare and feathers are ruffled.

Learning to Love in a Toxic Relationship

It was my worst nightmare. The phone call that my mom was in jail and I needed to bail her out. I knew she wasn’t completely innocent. On the ride home, the jabs started right away. I didn’t know how to love my mother, much less lovingly support her as I bailed her out of jail and brought her home to live with me.

3 Tips to Resolve Family Conflicts

As I write these words, the dust has just settled from some weekend conflict with family. Don’t get me wrong—my family and I love each other very much, and we all want the best for one another. It’s just that at some moments, pride takes over my heart—and more than wanting family unity, I want my own way.

When Family Conflicts Turned Us Into Enemies

Four years ago, I was staying with my husband’s family. I was a new mom to a baby boy, and there were many things I had to learn. My in-laws, naturally, kept a close watch on their grandson. They would often correct me on how to carry the baby or hold his milk bottle. As a perfectionist, I hated being corrected. But at the same time, I felt pressured to perform well, even when I was tired.