
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under fatherhood. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: fatherhood.


“Dear sons…”, a young father’s advice to his children

“Dear sons” is made up of a series of advice a young father, Martin, wants to instill in the lives of his children, Moshe (8) and Elliott (5). Fatherhood, Martin has learned, can be challenging, and often reveals our inadequacies. But it also provides us—and not just our children—an opportunity to learn and grow.

How God Changed the Way I Speak About My Daughter

“You’ve become a father.” I was going about my day when I seemed to hear a still, small voice say this to me. I wondered if it was God. This happened two months after my wife and I had gotten married. But since I wasn’t sure if that whisper was Him speaking to me, I pondered it in my heart.