foreign workers

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under foreign workers. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: foreign workers.


Image of lady with her 3 children

Ames Chen: Why I Write About the “Invisible People”

Hearing all the stories about unfair treatment, abuse, depression, and other struggles by this group of “invisible people” kept Ames awake at night.
image of 4 races walking

We Need to Talk About Race Matters

As a Singaporean Chinese, I’ve always been part of the racial majority. Although my heart is for the overlooked and voiceless, I knew that no amount of ministry with and among them would enable me to experience what being on the margins, or “othered”, is like. So I looked forward to experiencing life as a racial minority when I moved to the US.

Breaking Misconceptions of the Marginalised: Migrant Workers

What if one day you were forced to leave your family behind and move to a new country where you know no one, and had to work 7 days a week without rest?

Mya Ji: The 5-Year-Old Who Raised $8,500 for COVID-Hit Migrant Workers

When she saw the number of COVID-19 cases spike among low-wage migrant workers in Singapore earlier this year, Mya Ji sprung to action. The five-year-old emptied her piggy bank, hoping to buy these “uncles”— as Mya fondly addresses them—some good meals and bring some cheer. Thus sprouted the idea of a plant sale in April 2020.