
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Health. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Health.


ODJ: the need to know

Why? Our 10 year old son is especially adept at asking this question with great frequency. Because his questions have moved from innocent curiosity to occasional open challenge, my husband andI have chosen not to overlook the habit. Paying close attention I realised Micah was asking questions not to gain understanding, but in order to gain information so he could negotiate his way out of

ODJ: suffering with God

Pain. We take pills to ease it, hold prayer meetings to heal it, develop strategies to avoid it and think up philosophies to explain it. We rarely, however, consider suffering as part of God’s plan for our lives.
Classic spiritual authors take a different approach to suffering. Take the 17th century monk Brother Lawrence, for example. Lame in one leg and acquainted with illness, in The Practi

ODJ: what God looks like

In March of 2012 Americans listened with regret and repulsion as we heard reports of an American soldier in Afghanistan who went on a killing spree in a rural Afghan village. This rogue soldier massacred 16 civilian Afghanis. This is an absolute horror. The aftermath compounds our grief because these evil actions (and several other travesties) will, for some, define American ideals to their Afgha