Janel Breitenstein

Learn more about Janel Breitenstein and check out Janel Breitenstein’s contributions to YMI over the years.


15 Ways to Cultivate Joy in Your Life

A friend told me recently of a trip he and his wife took to Hawaii several years back. After dropping his wife off at the terminal for the flight home, he was the only person on the rental car shuttle.

What If My Personality Does Not Fit My Church?

While I was never one of the cool kids in school, I have a personality that’s easily welcomed in church. I’m bubbly. I’m a married, creative mother (bonus!) with domestic-diva interests and a bleeding heart. I’m high-capacity in my time management and irreverent in the right ways. So my gifts, talents, and temperament can really gain me respect in these circles.

3 Reasons I Welcome Refugees (And 3 Ways You Can, Too)

Did you know nearly one in 100 people worldwide are displaced from their homes? Refugees have become so much more than an Associated Press photo in my mind and my heart. For three years, I taught students at a refugee center in Uganda.

6 Ways to Take Your Relationship Deeper

When my family and I moved across continents, our lives were stripped down, and being in a new place made everything about three steps harder.

A Letter to the Wandering Eye 

Hey. Over your latte, I saw the worry in your eyes. I know this isn’t who you want to be; you never wanted to be attracted elsewhere, you thought you would always be contented in your marriage.

5 Practical Ways to Savor Christ this Christmas

Last year, my kids and I snuggled up to read a Christmas story. It’s the story of a boy whose parents are determined to throw him an epic birthday party—replete with guests, food, decor and party favors.

How Saying "No" Leaves Room for "Yes!"

It should have been a peaceful weekend. My overloaded brain and heart certainly could have used the downtime. Instead, I found myself stuck for two and a half hours in the car with three of my kids in standstill traffic

7 Prayers for Those Battered by Natural Disasters

Like many of you, my eyes have riveted on stories about hurricanes Irma, Jose, Katia, and Maria, which have dismantled the lives of thousands across the Caribbean. Added to these are the earthquakes in Mexico, the pummelling by Hurricane Harvey, and wildfires which have torched the western portion of the USA.

Stop Being Perfect, Start Being Holy

I remember a time back in high school, running hard after God. I thought if I could have one thing in the world, it was holiness. Maybe it sounds to you like it did to me: Intently focused on God. Uber-spiritual, even.