Jasmine Ong

Learn more about Jasmine Ong and check out Jasmine Ong’s contributions to YMI over the years.


A sad woman covered her face with her hoody jacket

How Can I Be Happy if I'm Not Good-Looking?

When I wasn’t pining for plastic surgery, I was obsessed with losing weight. I repeatedly vowed to eat less, but was trapped in a vicious cycle of failure and self-loathing. Defeated by my failed attempts, I would think: What hope is there for someone like me, with neither great wealth nor remarkable beauty, to attain happiness?

5 Subtle Sins We're All Guilty of

In grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen how personal choices can either help stop the spread, or infect entire communities. I see a parallel in my own spiritual life, where many small, seemingly inconsequential decisions have slowly affected not just my own life—but the lives of those within my own community. These are the subtle sins.

Does Planning Show A Lack of Faith?

Should I have simply trusted that God would provide for me, and moved cities without working to plan ahead? Did my planning reveal an immature faith that doubted God’s provision? I was not sure how to strike a balance between trusting God while doing my part.