Jesus’ resurrection

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Jesus’ resurrection. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Jesus’ resurrection.


ODJ: a new genesis

A couple of years ago as I was driving our son to kindergarten, our conversation turned to resurrection. Understandably he was perplexed about what it meant and how it worked.

ODB: You Can Beat It!

The radio ad for an upcoming seminar sounded intriguing. The announcer said, “You can beat death—for good! Attend my seminar and I’ll show you how.” I wondered for a few moments what the speaker would claim could beat death and what his suggestions might be. Perhaps something about diet or exercise or freezing our bodies? After listening a little longer, though, I realized he had said, “

ODB: Shout Of Triumph

Recently I read about Aron Ralston, a hiker who was trapped alone at the bottom of a remote canyon. With scant hope of being found and his strength ebbing away, he had to take drastic measures to save his life. During a moment of excruciating pain, he shouted in agony and in victory, because he had freed himself and now had a chance to escape and live.Those who witnessed the crucifixion of Jesus s

ODJ: the rolling stone

Jesus was dead—witnessed by His executioners (Mark 15:37-39), confirmed by Pilate (15:44-45) and attested by two high-court judges who prepared His lifeless body for burial (v.43; John 3:1,19:38-39). Jesus was laid in a new tomb that had been carved out of rock. The entrance was sealed by an extremely large, round stone (Mark 15:46). It would take many strong men to move the 1 to 2 tonne door. T

ODJ: rescued from darkness

In Clint Eastwood’s movie Gran Torino, Walt Kowalski is a cranky Korean War vet disgusted by the gangs now running his community.

ODJ: as it is in heaven

In the “Lord’s prayer,” Jesus encouraged His followers to pray for God’s kingdom to come and His will to be done “on earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

ODJ: guilt and grace

One of the exciting milestones I witnessed in my
 daughter’s development was when she first 
 learned to walk at 9 months. She pulled herself up to a standing position while holding onto a coffee table and took her very first step! Learning to bend her knees to sit after standing, and then mastering the standing position, she was soon cruising around the house. She was walking independently

ODJ: blind eyes & burning hearts

If you want to humble me, all you need to do is hand me one of those Where’s Wally? images—the ones where you attempt to locate the numerous places where the character Wally blends into the scenery. I can stare at them for hours with little result. When someone finally points out Wally’s location to me, it’s embarrassing to see him—right there in plain view! As theologian Stanley Hauerwa

ODJ: recalculating relationships

A comedian once mused that he wished someone would make a Sat Nav for husbands. He said something like this: Sat Nav: “Compliment your wife’s appearance.” Comedian: “Hey, honey, you look really good.” Sat Nav: “Ask her about her day.” Comedian: “How was your day, sweetheart?” Sat Nav: “Pretend to be listening.” Comedian: “Oh . . . Really . . .” Sat Nav: “Flatter your wi