
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Job. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Job.


So I Quit My Comfortable Job

It wasn’t an easy decision. I was comfortable where I was. Besides, I had spent more than half a decade in this environment. My workplace was basically the same university I had studied in.

Where is God when we lose our jobs?

As someone whose job involves helping others find employment, I have met many people who face different challenges in their job search. Some of the key ones are: constant rejection from employers, skills mismatch, and the lack of networking skills.

5 Things I Learned When I Couldn’t Find A Job

I was unemployed for almost a whole year. Over that period, I faced rejection after rejection, so much so that I grew accustomed to disappointment. At the time, I kept asking myself this question: what am I going to do with my life?

How to Trust God in the Season of Job-hunting

I spent six months of my life as a couch potato. By the time I started my new job, I knew which online channels you could surf for the latest television series.