Jonathan Hayashi

Learn more about Jonathan Hayashi and check out Jonathan Hayashi’s contributions to YMI over the years.


Jonathan Hayashi: Gangster Turned Pastor

The photographs show a shirtless teenager with a head of dirty blond cropped hair, a toned body, and a pair of Ray-Bans. A huge tattoo of a pair of praying hands fills his back. A cross is imprinted on his right arm. That was Jonathan Hayashi 12 years ago, a gangster who fought on the streets of Japan. No one would have believed back then that he would become a pastor in America today.

Lessons From A Shooting Tragedy

August 19, 2013, began like any other Monday at Uptown Baptist Church in Chicago, USA. As usual, I handled routine administrative tasks and worked on my sermon for the evening service at our soup kitchen ministry. The church employees were in the office working and chatting. No one knew it would become a day marked by tragedy.
Woman alone pondering deeply looking at a pond

What to Do When We Are Prayerless

On one occasion, my little girl drove me to tears. She opened her arms the moment she saw me walk into the bedroom. There was no doubt in her mind that her father was going to receive her.