Judging Others

Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Judging Others. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Judging Others.


ODB: First Impressions

As I shopped for groceries one day, I was perceived as a thief by one person and a hero by another.As I exited the supermarket, an employee said, “Excuse me, Sir. There are too many unbagged items in your cart.” This is evidently a strategy used by shoplifters. When he saw that they were products too big to be bagged, he apologized and sent me on my way.In the parking lot, a woman glanced at m

ODB: Jesus' Eyes

We were in line at the ice cream store when I noticed him. His face bore the marks of too many fights—a crooked nose and some scars. His clothes were rumpled, though clean. I stepped between him and my children, using my back to erect a wall.The first time he spoke, I didn’t hear him clearly and so just nodded to acknowledge him. I scarcely made eye contact with him. Because my wife wasn’t w