Leslie Koh

Learn more about Leslie Koh and check out Leslie Koh’s contributions to YMI over the years.


To the Church Elder: Why I’m Leaving the Church

Dear Elder, I’ve been coming to this church for the last six months, and it has disappointed me deeply. It just doesn’t cut it. There’re many reasons, but I’m going to list the key ones and I’m sure your readers will immediately see where I’m coming from.
Person crossing their fingers behind their back

What if Christianity was a lie?

Many years back, a friend told me casually, “God lives by faith.” At the time, I thought, Now, that makes sense. How clever! Indeed, it did have a ring of truth to it. And it seemed logical: If I chose to stop believing in God one day, then He would, in a way, stop existing in my life.

Why Love isn’t a Good Feeling

I’ll ’fess up. I plain didn’t like Terence (can’t tell you his real name, of course). I didn’t like the way he walked or talked. I couldn’t stand the way he moved around with a swagger, swinging his arms confidently and looking left and right as if he ran the whole church.

Move Aside BB-8, Here Comes Nadine

Nadine who? She’s a robot created by scientists at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University who doesn’t look like C-3PO, R2-D2 or BB-8 (you wish). In fact, she has been billed as “the world’s most human-like robot”.

Why Christmas Doesn't Make Sense

No, seriously. Nothing much about Christmas makes sense, when you think about it. Here’s why:

5 Ways Not to Share about Christmas

Ah, it’s Christmas! A perfect time to mark a significant date with brothers and sisters in Christ. A perfect time to share the gospel and tell people about the love of God that sent His Son down to earth to save us from our sins.

Are You "Unsuccessful" in Church?

You’re active in church. You’re there every Sunday morning, arriving early to arrange the chairs and set up the worship team’s equipment, or to help pick up disabled members from their homes and wheel them to their usual spots in the worship hall.

Bieber the Believer

You must know Bieber, the Canadian songwriter and singer. Bieber, the pop star who is as well known for his controversial behavior as he is for his hits. Bieber, the teen idol who probably has as many detractors as he has fans. (For the uninitiated, that’s “Beliebers” of the “Beebs”.)

Success: Once Given, Not Given Up Easily

It would be all too easy for me to sit here and say, “Give up everything for God. Don’t chase the success of the world. Don’t be so career-minded.” That’s what I used to imagine myself telling others—until I faced the dilemma myself.