
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Love. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Love.


Editor’s Picks: Best of "Why Do I Feel?"

As we started the new year, we embraced Luke 10:27 as our anchoring verse, and spent the first three months digging into what it looks like to love God with all of our hearts. We were blown away by the generous contributions from our global volunteer contributors, and wanted to share with you a few of our best articles—ones that have already encouraged thousands, that we hope can encourage you too!

Avengers: Endgame—Is It Really the End?

I remember walking out of the theatre after watching Avengers: Infinity War last year in a daze. The good guys had lost.

From God’s Heart To Yours

Title: From God’s Heart To Yours Artwork by: Estelle Quek (@morethanworks) Description: It’s…

Editor’s Picks: The Best of 2018

2018 has been a fulfilling year for us at YMI. We launched our very first online devotional, published over 560 articles, produced 39 artspace projects and 7 videos to help you ask the whys and walk out your purpose.

5 Gift Ideas For A Meaningful Christmas

It’s that time of the year again when we have to think of the perfect Christmas gift for our friends! If you're thinking of giving your friends and loved ones more meaningful Christmas presents than those $1 notebooks that they might never use, look no further.

Stan Lee: The Man Behind The Marvel-ous Superheroes

There is something about superheroes that speaks to us, inspires us, and motivates us. Many of these superheroes whom we have come to love can be attributed to one man: Stan Lee.

5 Things To Do When Confronting Someone

“He did something wrong. You should talk to him.” “Hey, why me? You should be the one to tell him. Aren’t you his friend?” Due to my conflict-avoidant personality, the idea of correcting someone scares me. I fear that speaking up will affect my relationship with my friends. Therefore, when I see them doing something wrong, I often ask others to reprove them instead, just like I did in the conversation above.

Why Should Christians Care About Social Justice?

Every fall, my college holds an event called “Un-Learn Week”. Un-Learn Week is a week full of different events focused on “un-learning” racial bias. This was the first time that I started really learning about social justice and what it means—especially in a Christian context.

Why Do I Long to Feel Loved?

I grew up in a warm and affectionate family, and have never needed to work for my family’s love. However, I’ve found that I am easily jealous for the affections of my close friends. Whenever my close friends are more concerned for other friends than they are for me, I feel an inexplicable sense of disappointment.