Marissa Luk

Learn more about Marissa Luk and check out Marissa Luk’s contributions to YMI over the years.


The Girl I'll Never Forget

I had barely turned 17 that fall in 2015. Newly arrived in Hungary for Bible college, I accompanied a group of pastors and students that were going to one of the many refugee camps at the Serbian border to help with relief and supplies.

Don't Let Depression Define You

The first few years, it was simply a sudden and unexpected heaviness of heart and mind. The feeling of being stuck in thick darkness and finding no safety. But it was overwhelming. Losing control of my mind, seeing fear take over. Despair settling in. Hopelessness filling my heart.

More Than A Missionary Kid

“Where are you from?” That question used to stress me a lot because I couldn’t answer with any one country name. Over time though, I have learned to recognize whatever place God has set me as home. At this point in my life, my answer is “Hong Kong,” where I have been serving as a missionary for nearly two years.

God Is With Me In My Panic Attacks

It was just like any other Saturday night, and I was hanging out with my friends after the church service.

I Have Anxiety But I’m Not Alone

Walking out of the metro station, I was suddenly met by foreign smells and swarms of people. The ground was covered in what appeared to be soot, and as I pushed through the crowds, I felt my own thoughts being drowned out by the overwhelming noises and sounds