
Check out all of YMI’s content pieces tagged under Marriage. We hope you’d benefit from the written and visual content we have under this topic: Marriage.


The Day We got Married

Written by Christine E., USAIt was the big day: the day I walked…

Finding A Spouse, According to His Will

Written by Clare H, Singapore I was in the midst of my undergraduate…

When Jesus said "I Do!"

Written By Christie Frieg, USA “That is why a man leaves his…

The Day He said "I Love You"

Written by Christine E., USAI remember clearly the first time…

ODJ: marriage changes you

When we’re in love we easily overlook the flaws in the person we hope to marry. This is good when the flaw is small, but it’s bad when the flaw is more serious—such as a habit of rudely interrupting people or of not going to church. You might put up with a future spouse’s shortcoming because you think that once you’re married you’ll change the one you love. Don’t count on it. Irritat

A Man's Got to Do What a Man's Got to Do

He could feel his mouth going dry. It was as if his body was…

ODJ: roots that drink from heaven

A man knocked on my office door and asked me if I would officiate his marriage. I asked him to sit down so we could chat about his plans, timing and spiritual life. “Oh, I’m not sure you understand,” he said, “I’d like you to marry me today, like in the next hour.” The story is complicated, but his fiancée was from a different country and was living in our country with a short-term

ODJ: love that dies

Renowned Christian writer Dallas Willard wrote: “The aim of God in history is the creation of an all-inclusive community of loving persons, with Himself included in that community as its prime sustainer and most glorious inhabitant.” Marriage is one way God continues to create this community.

Paul commenced his instruction on marriage by affirming a mutuality and oneness b

ODJ: true love

When I stopped by a nearby restaurant to pick up some food, a guy and a girl standing in the car park caught my attention. Their arms linked together, the guy craftily reached to place his hand between her legs. My heart sank, and I began to pray that they would know the beauty of glorifying God with their bodies (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5).

Because the world we live in often equates sex