Mary Ann

Learn more about Mary Ann and check out Mary Ann’s contributions to YMI over the years.


image of a girl with her mobile phone

3 Things to Keep in Mind While Scrolling Through Social Media

As a design graduate, I found them artsy and inspiring to watch—and imagining having a taste of their “perfect” life helped me keep my mind off the restrictions we were facing because of COVID. So at first, I didn’t see anything wrong with watching these videos. However, when it became more of a habit, I began to see how these videos would influence my life in negative ways.
Girl sitting alone contemplating

Why Pneumonia Was What I Needed

I used to be a very ambitious person. In college, I enjoyed life and worked hard to get what I wanted—especially when it came to grades. I wanted to be the top student so that others would look up to me. This came at the expense of everything else: God, family, and friends.